Whilst re-watching an episode of The City the other day, I noticed that Whitney has impeccable jewellery. Although I couldn't find pictures of my favourite pieces, this picture of Whitney pretty much sums up her style of accessories.
Here are a couple of pieces that I feel remind me of Whitney's style and are all available from Asos.com.
I think I love Whitney's style in general much more when she's in New York than her LA style, but thats mostly beacsue I'm not a huge fan of LA style. The second series of the City is currently in filming which im unashamedly waiting for, I find weirdly refreshing from the Hills, even though its bascially the same thing, and I actually don't care if its all made!
If I had to chose a favourite from the pieces above it would probable be the Elephant ring and the silver tinkerbell drop earrings.
Also I discovered today that Whitney, alongside Lauren and Heidi, has her own clothing line called Whitney Eve clothing. Whilst the collection is mind blowing and going to change your life, some of the clothes are cute and typical Whitney style e.g. very californian. You can check out Whitney's collection here.
Love Style resurrection xoxo